Sunday, February 25, 2018

Not A Call To Arms But Community

I continue to draw from the faith community to help me see the issue of  gun violence through the lens of faith. I’m resisting voices that want to see this as a political issue or the latest conflict in America’s culture war. I have edited/adapted this from the PCUSA’s report, Gun Violence, Gospel Values.  

(Jesus) reprimanded Peter for first grabbing a weapon in his defense. “For all who live by the sword will die by the sword” as in proverb form (Matt.26:52b). If weapons become the basis of your social relations, they will kill you. If preserving your guns has become more important than the safety of thousands of other people, then weapons have become your idol, in diametric opposition to the vision of a city that is a joy, where children and old people live out their years, and the weeping of grief-stricken mothers is no longer heard.

Let us be clear: this is not a call to arms but to community. There is a direct connection… between God’s intentions, the prophets’ visions, Jesus’ teaching, and the implications for our own actions.

The church is not as disturbed with the legitimate possession and use of hunting rifles, shotguns, and sport shooting guns, but we are categorically opposed to the poor regulation and easy flow of guns that are manufactured to kill efficiently human beings.