Monday, February 26, 2018

I Did Not Expect to Encounter John Calvin

I did not expect to encounter John Calvin in my journey to understand gun violence.

Calvin was the first systematic theologian of Protestant thinking. In the 1500s, he was a university student in Paris when he came across the radical reforming ideas of Martin Luther. Trained in the classics and in law, he began to study Greek and the Bible. With a lawyer’s mind, he developed an orderly, rational, and coherent account of the doctrines of the Christian faith….i.e, a systematic theology. It was expanded and revised several times and became a standard for Protestant and Christian thinking for centuries. [i]

Where do I encounter Calvin in the gun violence debate? Calvin believed that God worked through governments to bring order to society, that governments prevent society from descending into chaos. He considered civil authorities to be ordained by God to protect an innocent public against the terror of mob rule or individual selfishness.[ii]

Calvin applied Biblical principles to the ordering of a civil society. Commenting on one of the 10 Commandments, “You shall not Kill,” he wrote:

The purpose of this commandment is, that since the Lord has bound the whole human race by a kind of unity, the safety of all ought to be considered as entrusted to each. In general, therefore, all violence and injustice, and every kind of harm from which our neighbor’s body suffers is prohibited. Accordingly, we are required faithfully to do what in us lies to defend the life of our neighbor, to promote whatever tends to his tranquility, to be vigilant in warding off harm, and when danger comes, to assist in removing it.[iii]

I keep re-reading Calvin’s words. From the 16th century he articulates ideas that resonate with my grappling of the role of government and the responsibility we Christians have for our world.

Why is this important to me? Because trying to understand what it means to be a Christian in the gun debate, requires critical thinking and the application of Biblical stories and truths to our life and our life in society. Systematic theology is a tool that can help us (Christians) form our thinking, believing and acting.

[i] Calvin’s systematic theology is titled Institutes of the Christian Religion
[ii] Gun Violence, Gospel Values: Mobilizing in Response to God’s Call, Presbyterian Church (USA) 2011
[iii] John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book II, Chapter VIII