Sunday, March 11, 2018

Tragedies Getting Ready to Happen

I am finding others who are trying to understand guns and gun violence from a Biblical, theological and spiritual perspective. One is James Atwood, a Presbyterian minister in Virginia who began his career as a missionary to Japan. This is from one of his books:

No one can deny the crimes committed by Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Holland, Italy England, France China and Japan, to name a few. All the same, after two centuries their societies are relatively free of gun violence, while ours is the most dangerous in the industrialized world. It’s not because their citizens are more loving or kind; it’s something else, something simple: these former colonialist powers do not permit easy access to guns.

Americans are not meaner or more violent than citizens of Europe, China or Japan. They too are fascinated with violence. They watch the same violent movies, engage in violent sports, play the same video games, sell the same kinds of toys, read the same comics, etc. The only difference is most Americans can get a gun within a few hours or a few minutes. Some of us call such access to guns freedom. As a gun owner who has ministered to gun victims and their families, I call such easy access tragedies getting ready to happen.[i]

[i] James Atwood, America and Its Guns, Cascade Books, 2012, p. 69